
The Concrete Floor Supply color on color system is a solid color coating system for those wanting a durable solid color floor. This system is a pigmented 100 percent solids epoxy system that is self leveling and gives the floor a smooth finish. Used extensively for hangers, warehouse floors and garages, this system is easy to install as well as cost effective.

System Overview
  1. Properly prep surface. Insure that it is clean, dry and properly profiled.  Diamond grinding is the preferred method for prep.  Liquid concrete profiler/cleaners such as Super Blue can also be used as a secondary choice.  Our supply shop rents diamond grinders in the Kansas City and surrounding area.
  2. Apply base coat of Epoxy Flow 100, UV stable concrete epoxy coating with chosen colored epoxy pigment additive.
  3. Before 24 hours has elapsed and the basecoat becomes tack free apply the second coat of Epoxy Flow 100 with chosen colored epoxy pigment additive.
    1. Note: a primer coat using our “Moisture Mitigator” is optional, but will
      1. better insure moisture vapor transmissions will not come up through the coating and
      2. will also help in adhesion
      3. will minimize outgassing in subsequent coats
Product Sheets

Floor Strippers


Floor Cleaner


Floor Coating


